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Rockin' at Midnight

Artist:The Honeydrippers  Album:The Honeydrippers, Vol. 1  Writer:Roy Brown  Composer:Roy Brown  Release Year:1984  Number:AMCY-2744

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<♪> Have you heard the news There's good rockin' at midnight Oh, I'm gonna hold my baby with All my might What a wonderful time we had that night Hey, hey, there's good Rockin' at midnight Have you heard the news There's good rockin' at midnight Oh, I'm gonna hold my baby with all my might What a wonderful time we had that night Hey, hey, there's good Rockin' at midnight Now sweet Georgia Brown and Sweet Lorraine They got caught on Caledonia's land Sioux City Sue And told it all Those girls got drunk and they had a ball Crying hey, hey Good rockin' at midnight Weit it two times <♪> Now I'll tell you all about now Deacon Joe He got so high they had to Take him home Hear the news about Elliot Brown He stole a chicken and he Ran out of town Hey, hey There's good rockin' at midnight Now Caledonia got drunk And greedy like a pig She fell down and lost her wig Fanny Brown she laughed and She got sick And Caledonia got mad and Grabbed a brick Crying hey, hey There's good rockin' at midnight Oh now, let's do it now <♪>

Posted By: mactodo67
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:69


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