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TOP > Lyrics > Bullets Ricochet
Bullets Ricochet

Artist:Skold  Album:Suck 

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Time smokes another cigarette Looks at the window And tries to ignore the safety net Time grabs a gun to play roulette Hides around the corner Fixing to get by on no regret Behind the door, all you're looking for We laugh as the world comes tumbling down And, even so, you're wanting more We keep spinning until we hit the ground You and I will never die And the angel never fall We fight, side by side Our backs against the wall One day the flood will come And wash our sins away When the blind shoots at the world Bullets ricochet Time, trapped in silhouette Still pointing a finger Reading the lines on an empty set Time, like a broken marionette Stumbles off the pavement Striking a pose in ultraviolet Behind the door, all you're looking for

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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