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TOP > Lyrics > Sail Away Sweet Sister
Sail Away Sweet Sister

Artist:Queen  Album:The Game  Writer:MAY BRIAN HAROLD  Composer:MAY BRIAN HAROLD  Number:TOCP-67348

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Hey little babe you're changing Babe are you feeling sore Ain't no use in pretending You don't wanna play no more It's plain that you ain't no baby What would your mother say You're all dressed up like a lady How come you behave this way Sail Away Sweet Sister Sail across the sea Maybe you find somebody Who loves you half as much as me My heart is always with you No matter what you do Sail away sweet sister Always be in love with you Forgive me for what I told you My heart makes a fool of me You know I'll never hold you I know that you gotta be free Sail Away Sweet Sister

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:204


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