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Loop In My Heart

Artist:m-flo loves EMYLI & YOSHIKA  Album:Award SuperNova -Loves Best-  Composer:m-flo 

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You called/I called/ we talked/welaughed/we did… 軽い気持ちで started いつのまにか/Caught up/ and uh… One thing led to another… In love/in what?/in love/ saywhat?/say what?… Girl I can't be your lover He said/she said/ 噂?/噂?… Baby… you know 実はyou're in mymind 一日中マジ、大げさじゃない It's like…未体験なのに考え 真昼見る夢と共にI drift ゆら〜り ゆらゆら、二人、wanna touch ya Bodyで周り、気にせずフィナーレま で もってっちゃうmy imagination 想像して、妄想して、上げるテンシ ョン でも下がるぜ、ホントのとこは no communication、ザッツ 致命傷 That's why、切ないI'm alone 一歩踏み出したい、so we could gohome 通り過ぎる 風のように 涼しそうに 笑いかけるの もっと近く Just right next to me その先のlove story みせてほしい You called/I called/ we talked/welaughed/we did… 軽い気持ちでstated いつのまにか/Caught up/whassup? 深く I thought we fell In love/In what?/in love/今?/say what? … Girl I can't be your lover He said/she said/ 噂?/噂?… でも本当は… Bet you wanna play with my heart 高まる feelings がhigh And it feels so right (so right) so right (so right) いつの間にか fell For you〜 (you tellin' me…youのせいで) Ah〜(but I'm with you baby) So bad (so bad) so bad (so bad) You LOOP in my heart かかってこないphone待ち続け 二人の写真 見つめて 彼にはso unfair だけど baby I can't get you outta my head My name's V-E-R-B the A そして最後に付くの「L」 And I'm part of a group 忘れられない 名前 with the 頭文字「m」 続く「F-L-O」歌う Withヨシカ 始まればdon't stop タクタカto the ハシ on the beats that rock エミリ 動けばshe don't stop You called/I called/ we talked/welaughed/we did… 軽い気持ちでstarted いつのまにか/Caught up/whassup? 深くI thought we fell In love/in what?/in love/

Posted By: KzE
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1184


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