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Flowers (Feat. Kaori Natori)

Artist:FreeTEMPO  Album:Sounds  Writer:半澤 武志 

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anytime your side every time in glow everything in flow with you it's feeling anytime my side every time in blow everything to slowed I want to feel it anytime my side every time in glow everything in flow with you it's feeling anytime my side every time in blow everything to slowed I want to feel it you know forever don't you wanna say what you wanna again I know forever maybe is back to you I wait on this ground anytime your side every time in glow everything in flow with you it's feeling anytime my side every time in blow everything to slowed I want to feel it Anytime your side every time in glow everything in flow with you it's feeling anytime my side every time in blow everything to slowed I want to feel it anytime your side every time in glow everything in flow with you it's feeling anytime my side every time in blow everything to slowed I want to feel it you know forever don't you wanna say what you wanna again I know forever maybe is back to you I wait on this ground anytime your side every time in glow everything in flow with you it's feeling

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:49


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