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Artist:ジェーン・バーキン  Album:YOSUI TRIBUTE  Writer:井上陽水  Composer:井上陽水  Release Year:2004  Number:FLCF-4038

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Sorry songs, saddest sound that I heard Beautiful pitiful little bird You can lay words of love on a page But you can't lock her love in cage Canaria canaria canaria canaria Canaria canaria Sorry songs, saddest sound that I heard Desperate desolate little bird Love can shine in the night like the stars But you can't keep its lights behind bars Canaria canaria canaria canaria Canaria canaria Did she love all the mirrors and the clouds we cannot cross? She did Did she love the fragility of flowers and the birds? She did Did she love the freedom of an ending love? Who can say Sorry songs, saddest sound that I heard Lonely and lonelier little bird

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:14


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