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Here I Am
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Hello I'm the guy who sits next to you And reads the newspaper over your shoulder Wait... Don't turn the page I'm not finished Life is so uncertain.... Here I am Yes it's me Take my hand And you'll see Here I am Yes it's true All I want Girl is you Given that true intellectual and emotional compatability Are at the very least difficult If not impossible to come by We could always opt for the more temporal gratification Of sheer physical attraction That wouldn't make you a shallow person Would it? Here I am Yes it's me Take my hand And you'll see Here I am Yes it's true All I want Girl is you If Ford is to Chevrolet What Dodge is to Chrysler What Corn Flakes are to Post Toasties What the clear blue sky is to

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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