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TOP > Lyrics > Swallow the Flames
Swallow the Flames
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Bleeding' over my face Yeah all over my face Disgusting'? No, it's just a game Obey Betray Come out and play I wanna see you swallow my pain The end of sanity is clear This time I won't pay for your sins For all my life I've been so weak Hiding silent like an ordinary sheep But now I see The end is near The beast inside me still Longs to be unchained Hatred's burning fast Inside my breast Relentless Boundless Still impressed? Genocidal machine Homicidal relief Pitch-black dreams... Just fuck it! Burning me Bullets over you Burning deep This time I'll see your ego's fall Closer With no regrets I kneel alone Among the ruins of my world

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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