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Artist:Flipper's Guitar  Album:シングルズ  Writer:DOUBLE KNOCKOUT CORPORATION  Composer:DOUBLE KNOCKOUT CORPORATION  Release Year:1995  Number:PSCR-5282

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trombones in a parade, dried fruit to shoot our do-nut talk going round and round, we're so vain grow your hair again and things are not the same so i'll repeat some meaningless words like a huge bunch of flowers that blocks your view will that sweet and tender nihilism, sneer? " ...and love and dreams for all." gloves, enameled shoes and star-collector is a department store' mixed up telephone line in mexico, endless romanticism i don't care about the time, i just want to look at the inside of the clock so i'll embrace some worn-out words

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1046


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