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Artist:Father Octopus  Album:Blink 

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He had a great job, sweet wife Smart kids, he had a good life Slow to anger and a loyal friend He will last forever a gentleman And then it ended so quickly like it never begun And when he opened his eyes, he didn't see it coming It took eternity to lose my purity But when it finally happened, it happened so easily And it may be a story to you But it bores me to tears and apathy And when I stare at the light, my eyes blister and sting And when it shrinks to a dot, I will see everything And no one believes it when it's over But I'm left here In the aftermath, wretched and torn I get lost in the past, sometimes it's hard to move on Little in memory, little I share Little I listen, how little I care You may have prayed to God for

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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