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Bring My Family Back

Artist:Sabrina Setlur 

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'm on lonely street age nearly three Recently Mama's crying all the time Is it because of me or my younger sister, even Dad was weeping when he kissed her. Face all puffy like a blister, Crying like he missed her. Since we moved away from the house, Where we used to play. They say I'll understand on day but I doubt it, Mama never say nothing about it. How'd it get to be so crowded. I found it a strain, everywhere I look I see pain. And I can't escape the feeling, maybe I'm to blame. So I strain to listen, Praying for a decision, wishing they where kissing. This feels like extradition or exile, Mama finds it hard to smile So I make pretend cups of coffee in her favorite style. She says child I'm working so there's nothing you lack. But she know I want my Dad I want my family back. I'm on Lonely Street, age forty three. Couldn't gauge when to quit so my wife quit me. Took offense, took the kids, I wish that was the end. But before she took her leave She took care of my best friend. Working all the hours. God send was not the tactic You see, because after ten years I'm [??]. Wanted to make the cash quick so I had to work real late. Bad sex, my woman's vex, even if I stay awake. And if I'm honest, I had a little cake at the office. I was eating. We'd do our cheating over coffees, Making tea for the bosses. Making free with me,

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:3


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