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TOP > Lyrics > Hindsight 2 - A Very Clever Guy Indeed
Hindsight 2 - A Very Clever Guy Indeed

Artist:Galahad  Album:Year Zero 

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Hindsight is a very clever guy But not as clever as I! He can only look back He can't plan for the future Yes they say hindsight is a very clever guy But not as clever as I! He can only look back He can't plan for the future Come on, come on and give me a try, Any way you like Whether good or bad I don't know for sure We'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out History will judge our actions Someone else will point the finger of blame I guess it depends on the money The money, the money, yes the money! The colour of your money Not to say your skin ("It always comes down to money and wealth Influence and the people you know

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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