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Random Thoughts

Artist:David Gray 

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Random Thoughts LIGHTENING struck my heart Moving in and out of consciousness/subconsciousness faster, faster, faster thoughts scatter race for truth books, books, books papers, papers, papers an angel showed me the way Pegasus inside out I Ching slow, slow, slow am I alone? Moving in and out of consciousness/subconsciousness London to a world that's lost its way David - I remember What I already knew faster, faster, faster forgotten treasures de-ja-voo a rose without thorns born after the wave in December Moving in and out of consciousness/subconsciousness outside in merlin watches LEE has ladder backUP SEAhorse DOWNback yin-yang slow, slow, slow am I alone? Moving in and out of consciousness/subconsciousness NIGHTowl sees upside down DRUMMER boy plays downside up jacob CLIMBS faster, faster, faster myst-eerie-us the tin man waits am I alone? Moving in and out of consciousness/subconsciousness David - I remember

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