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TOP > Lyrics > Alphabet of Hurricanes
Alphabet of Hurricanes

Artist:Tom McRae 

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Caught in a whirlwind of Broken sticks and bones An alphabet of hurricanes Can't blow this drifter home And the train kicks up snow across This cold New Mexico And as I cross the Rio Grande I finally let you go To fall into the icy stream Of different lives and different dreams And we go lightly on our way Yes you go lightly on the same Woke up in Kansas from a Dream of burning ships And I still taste the ocean, girl And you on my lips But I can't seem to change the way This story wants to play Life is in the living Not the telling anyway Press myself into the glass Silver moon lights up my path As I go lightly on my way And you will go lightly on the same Yes we go lightly on our way Shaken by a broken rail in Princeton, Illinois With time to kill I drank my fill And gave the jukebox all my coins

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