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The Mob Song
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We're not safe until he's dead He'll come stalking us at night Set to sacrifice our children To his monstrous appetite He'll wreak havoc on our village If we let him wander free So it's time to take some action, boys It's time to follow me! Through the mist, through the wood Through the darkness and the shadows It's a nightmare, but it's one exciting ride Say a prayer, then we're there At the drawbridge of a castle And there's something truly terrible inside It's a beast! He's got fangs, razor-sharp ones! Massive paws, killer claws for the feast Hear him roar! See him foam! But we're not coming home 'Til he's dead! Good and dead! Kill the Beast! Light your torch, mount your horse Screw your courage to the sticking place We're counting on Gaston to lead the way Call it war, call it threat

Posted By: IMT
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:245


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