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TOP > Lyrics > Beautiful Smile with Tokyo Junkastic Band
Beautiful Smile with Tokyo Junkastic Band

Artist:SOFFet  Album:SOFFet Collaborations Best ”With”  Writer:YoYo/GooF  Composer:YoYo  Number:RZCD-46826

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Let me see your smile Don't give me grumpy bitter face It's so terrible!! So terrible!! You are so selfish! Let me see your smile Don't give me grumpy bitter face You must be kidding me!! Just kidding me!! You are so selfish! I don't remember when I fell in love with your pretty, pretty smile anymore Let me see your smile Don't give me grumpy bitter face Please don't scare me!! Don't scare me!! Try to make a smile A beautiful day is coming to you It's ok because everybody's got mood swings Delight, anger, pleasure and sorrow... our emotions yeah But why now, you got a bitchy look? During our date, it's always your own pace That's right, I saw all of your faces until today A mysterious part behind your smile, I mean It shocks me to see the dark side of you My head started to spin and crashed My sweetie?? Where are you?? Let me see your smile Don't give me grumpy bitter face It's so terrible!! So terrible!! You are so selfish! Let me see your smile Don't give me grumpy bitter face You must be kidding me!! Just kidding me!! You are so selfish! I don't remember when I fell in love with your pretty, pretty smile anymore Let me see your smile

Posted By: 素奈緒
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1247


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