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Wet Paint

Artist:[Champagne]  Album:Where's My Potato?  Writer:川上洋平  Composer:川上洋平 

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Give me back my Sunday Coz I didn't live it up What da hell am I suppose to do with you? The sun is setting above my heart And I don't know what to do Another precious weekend's gonna slam... One morning on a Monday She's just tied up on her bed 眠気眼でおはよう Seal up all the cracks on a wall So you want get cold マスク姿でコーヒー In my head, in my head All I'm asking is to let me yawn One morning on a Sunday She was walking down the street 目星いメロンを買う

Posted By: ももいろピンク
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:782


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