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I Appear Missing
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Calling all comas prisoner on the loose description: The spitting image of me, Except for the heart shaped hole where the hope runs out Shock me awake Tear me apart Pinned like a note in a hospital gown A prison of sleep Deeper down The rabbit hole never to be found Again Where are you hiding, my love? Cast off like a stone Feelings, raw & exposed when I'm outta control Pieces were stolen from me or dare I say given away Watching the water give in as I go down the drain I appear missing now I go missing No longer exist One day, I hope I'm someone you'd miss Shock me awake Tear me apart Pinned like a note in a hospital gown Deeper asleep Further down The rabbit hole never to be found It's only falling in love because you hit the ground Dancing on wire both ends are on fire Cut me loose

Posted By: Spotify User
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:4


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