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TOP > Lyrics > Aurora feat. KENNY from SPiCYSOL & Dawn Gun
Aurora feat. KENNY from SPiCYSOL & Dawn Gun

Artist:Robert de Boron  Album:In the Shadows  Writer:KENNY/Dawn Gun  Composer:Robert de Boron/KENNY  Release Year:2020-12-23  Number:GTXC-176

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New day, new dawn Everytime the sun rises We're surrounded by how great life is Through the surprises, the highs and lows We stand toe to toe&absorb life's blows I've been down in a bout, almost down for the count By my account they still couldn't count me out Sometimes we get lost, it's hard to take a loss 'Cause each time we lose we gotta pay the cost The toll on our souls, total loss of control Trying to be better than we were before A greater road to walk, another path to take A higher purpose for which we were made Taking the necessary steps for momentum to gain Gaining the necessary edge to maintain through the pain So, we can let the past go today 'Cause to whom God gave can't no man take away Let the past go You don't need it anymore Just let the past go Pretend there's an even score 'cause you can change a thing We give so much of ourselves everyday We give so much of ourselves away We need to be replenished by the sun's rays My head is only looking up one way Can't get everything done in one day Can't punish yourself for having fun, one day Wake up like, "there's air in my lungs today, yay!" Thank God every time I pray

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