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Artist:Ryan Adams  Album:Big Colors  Writer:Ryan Adams  Composer:Ryan Adams  Release Year:2021 

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If the lights could lead you here, would you go? If your arms were strong enough to hold me dear, would you let go? If the stars were out tonight how would we know? Falling through the leaves of last season's clothes Say what you want to, carry what you can If you were alone could you walk or could you stand Under the lights shining in your eyes With everybody waiting for you, alone in the spotlight Minus the tears and the heartache and the lies Hearts racing when it's showtime But you just take your time“. If a walk could make us know Would you stand in line While mine had held another's? Or would your fingers let go Or could you tow the line In hopes of a tomorrow Say what you want to, carry what you can If you were alone could you walk

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1


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