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TOP > Lyrics > Little Saint Nick - 1991 Remix
Little Saint Nick - 1991 Remix
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Ooh Merry Christmas Saint Nick Christmas comes this time each year Ooh ooh Well way up North where the air gets cold There's a tale about Christmas That you've all been told And a real famous cat all dressed up in red And he spends the whole year workin' out on his sled It's the little Saint Nick (little Saint Nick) It's the little Saint Nick (little Saint Nick) Just a little bobsled we call the old Saint Nick But she'll walk a toboggan with a four speed stick She's candy apple red with a ski for a wheel And when Santa hits the gas man just watch her peel It's the little Saint Nick (little Saint Nick) It's the little Saint Nick (little Saint Nick) Run run reindeer Run run reindeer (whoa)

Posted By: mariolyric
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:34


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