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Artist:locofrank  Album:READY?  Writer:木下 正行  Composer:木下 正行  Release Year:2022 

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brand new days waking it's not that bad even if today's a long nightmareain't that bad start again You know I'm not that old I may look tired but my heart won't stop life can change courses what 's normal yesterday can completely change won't you come closer I can feel you're here pledges are so frail some became stars being something more but the sights that lie beyond the words don't fade In a maze no way out not looking for something to hold on to trees turn red but change like they hate loneliness gain color again brand new days waking it's not that bad even if today's a long nightmareain't that bad

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:73


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