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TOP > Lyrics > Kurt's Rejoinder
Kurt's Rejoinder

Artist:Brian Eno  Album:Before and After Science  Composer:ENO BRIAN PETER GEORGE  Number:VJCP-68659

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Burger cruising just above the ground ground ground And gunner puts a burnish on his steel Anna with her feelers moving round round round Is sharpening her needles on the wheel Burger Bender bargain blender shine shine shine And gunner burn the leader on the fuse Bundle up the numbers counting three six nine Here's Anna building webs across our shoes Celebrate the loss of one and all all all And separate the torso from the spine Burger Bender bouncing like a ball ball ball So Burger Bender bargain blender shine Do the Do-si-do, do the Mirror Man Do the Boston Crab, and the Allemande Do the Do-si-do, do the Mirror Man

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:7


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