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TOP > Lyrics > Hammer on Hammer
Hammer on Hammer

Artist:Jethro Tull  Album:RökFlöte  Writer:Ian Anderson  Composer:Ian Anderson  Release Year:2023 

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Was there a time when I was Jupiter Ringed like Saturn, with sacred belt? Anvil sweating under blows Hammer on hammer, cold steel to smelt Coiled serpent, silently waiting Takes the bait I place beneath The darkened deeps so far from shore Line cut, dagger to sheath Stage must be set for mortal battle Völva prophesy fufilled At Ragnarök, gory conclusion: Drowning world to raise, rebuild Vlad, the bad, seethes and schemes An empire past he must renew Tough man in waiting, stares at me

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1


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