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TOP > Lyrics > Mukanjyo -Acoustic-
Mukanjyo -Acoustic-

Artist:Survive Said The Prophet  Album:Paradox  Writer:Yosh  Composer:Survive Said The Prophet  Release Year:2023-05-17 

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To sink or swim、生き残るために dog eat dog world だと言い聞かせ What went wrong? Survival of the fittest、弱肉強食 If it's the world that our wisdom will lead Well, tell me what went wrong I've paid my dues I've sold my soul So tell me, what is left for me when I've given up everything ねぇ、どう描いてたんだろう? どの景色を見ても 何も感じなくなったよ ねぇ、考え直しても あの景色を求めていた僕は 無感情なの? 強いと言われるものには 責任という名の鎖をつけ What went wrong? 弱いと言われてきた人たちは ただ踏み潰されて行く世の中 What went wrong? We've paid our dues We've sold our souls So tell me, what is left for us when we've given up everything

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:51


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