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Artist:FACT  Album:WITNESS  Composer:FACT 

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Tracing back the steps I took to get here Hidden in the back and forth it's never clear Counting all the times I stumbled and I fell Given everything I know that this won't end so well When we're apart it's easy to think "I'm done with it", all the masquerading Feels like something is weighing me down, I'm sinking so deep there's no escaping When you are here, it all disappears And really then I don't need persuading Feels like something is weighing me down I'm sinking so deep there's no escaping So have I changed? Am I out of range? Did we lose our way (u) did we just lose each other? So are we just repeating, no real end or beginning Our foundations are creaking, why do we carry on? So are we just repeating, no real end or beginning Sick and tired of misreading It's time to call it off Tracing back the steps I took to get here Hidden in the back and forth it's never clear Counting all the times I stumbled and I fell Given everything I know that this won't end so well The broken things I left in my way

Posted By: Melody
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:6


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