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Artist:HiHi Jets  Album:HiHi Jets 

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BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Everybody BOOOOOST UP!!!!!(Hey!) BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! (Come on!) BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Everybody BOOOOOST UP!!!!! (Are you lookin' for it?) BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!! (Let's BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) Here we go Don't stop! Take it up! 高ぶる Blow your mind 上昇気流って Somewhat "La-La" Oh You don't know why? 踊んなきゃ損 Come on アンプ震わすダンスフロア Voltage めいっぱい 楽しんじゃって High Yo What's poppin' 超速の Live wire Overheating ボリューム上げるんだ Buzz with energy 確かなインスパイア What you want What you need What you have in mind 騒ぎ明かす Break it out Just BOOOOOST Are you lookin' for it? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) Are you feelin' the beat? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) ノーリミットの銀河で目立っCIAO (BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Here we go) Are you lookin' for it? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) Are you feelin' the beat? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) ベストショットな笑顔を狙っCIAO (Set your heart on fire) BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Everybody BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! (Make it loud Make it loud Make it loud Baby) BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Everybody BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!! (Let's BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) One more time Don't stop! To the top! ブレない Bring the hype 上昇志向で Someone "blah blah" Oh You choose a way この宇宙さえ Come on 無限大のサーキット High gear めいっぱい ぶっ飛ばせ Hyper Drive Yo What's happenin' 結局は My desire Overwhelming 何度も挑むんだ ブラックホールなんて 余裕の Zero gravity Wanna do Gonna do Gonna do it now 振り切ってく Make a rush Just BOOOOOST Are you lookin' for it? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) Are you feelin' the beat? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) フラブラストのターボで走ってCIAO (BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Here we go) Are you lookin' for it? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) Are you feelin' the beat? (Just BOOOOOST UP!!!!!) ノンストップなリズムで歌っCIAO (Set your heart on fire) BOOOOOST UP!!!!! BOOOOOST UP!!!!! Everybody BOOOOOST UP!!!!!

Posted By: Nata
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:63


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