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TOP > Lyrics > DIRTY

Artist:blackPhantom  Album:DIRTY  Writer:黒川勇次  Composer:黒川勇次 

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[verse] In the exhaust fumes, we drive again today Covered in dust, we've become distorted The sky reflected in our view Was us, covered in scars [chorus] Like a city unknown We were rusted Filled with unpleasant things We must have forgotten the pain And so, once again Days pass by If this world were to change It would be easier [verse] A mirage looking up at the sky Like dreams with nowhere to go We were left behind That was us on that day [bridge] When the pouring rain stops Will we be waiting in this world? Painted over on the slope of the sky A feeling like the end of a story

Posted By: narasu
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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