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Artist:The Number Zero  Album:REMEDY  Writer:The Number Zero  Composer:The Number Zero  Release Year:2024 

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Does it cure your pain? Does it heal your aching brain? This is all I need On our quest to heal our ragged souls We all need that remedy when our stats are low Another story that I make my own Sometimes I wanna be someone else's hero My inspiration only blooms When admiration is afoot And if I don't get to consume Creation is impossible My only mission cannot be Bringing the bacon every day What will I do with all that meat If I don't ever get to play? I'm not trying to heal my inner child 無我夢中になる 時間がREMEDY 価値のある世界woo 救ってみたいよ 非常識に抗おう 挑んでもいい この異世界はmy remedy My heart's a movie monster 'cause it can't Hide in the human skin Like real psychopaths Carnage in places where where I used to cry Breaking the limit that's keeping me out of the sky
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Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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