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One Day

Artist:Robot Swing, LEO37, Star Wu  Album:SYSTEM BOOTING...  Writer:Robot Swing,LEO37,Star Wu  Composer:Robot Swing,LEO37,Star Wu  Release Year:2022 

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From the ‘Night Night’ to the ‘DayDay’ First and foremost Please let’em know I stand with HK Stay brave While they lie lie tryin’ to save face We’re gonna fight fight ‘til the daybreak Or ‘til they break Either way just know you ain’t alone Hold tight through these cold nights Ain’t no rights ‘til we’re alright They said we’re jumpin’ out the window What’s the fall like? Day Day Dreamin’ Wishin’ for the day we reclaim our freedom Workin’ for the brave and the barely eatin’ Waitin’ for the day that they face their demons But until that day comes Come what may All may come undone Kingdom Come it may come someday But maybe one day we’ll all be one One day (maybe one day) One day (maybe one day) One day (maybe one day) One day Someday 我相信總有一工自由會開花 雖然今嘛毋知影明仔載佇 世界上的每一个人攏是咱的兄弟姊妹 無人有權力將生命壓落底

Posted By: hornymoon
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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