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SET!!! (feat. X+I0N)

Artist:CoCo.Jee  Album:Q  Writer:CoCo.Jee  Composer:CoCo.Jee  Release Year:2022 

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With you, feel like I've won Fucking billions Look around whole things Makes me feel yo You're not from Earth You're an alien? Woo Woo Woo Woo 君のルーツJapanとSouth Korea Maybe luv ya period Something is wrong with me Woo Woo Woo Woo Hey Hey Tell me what you need 君に持ってるもの全部あげる Hey give! give me 君のday for me Still run だけどおれ君背負える Romeo and Juliet ? おれなら全部変えて魅せる 走るcity yo Feel more ビルの間抜ける 好きにやってる興味はねえ Don’t give a fuckバッシング おれの側に居れば Make u happy 大丈夫 たまに1人 君置いてくよsorry I don’t know 得れないものばかり So sad sad lol With you, feel like I've won Fucking billions Look around whole things Makes me feel yo You're not from Earth You're an alien? Woo Woo Woo Woo 君のルーツJapanとSouth Korea

Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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