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Artist:Ange  Album:PATH  Writer:Ange  Composer:Ange  Release Year:2024 

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I may have been wondering until now The compass in my mind was broken It was heading in every direction It may be vary painful but I still go on But there's only one path I'm heading down now No matter how long it takes, I will go on that path It doesn't matter if I take a detour Because that's the path, I truly want to take That path is not on any map All I know is the goal Maybe that path will be thorny I might get sick of it on the way
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エレキピアノとフィンガースナップの印象的な響きのイントロで始まるスローロック。題名のPathは、Road(すでに敷かれた道)ではなくPath(自分で切り拓く道)を表現している。 たとえどれだけ時間がかかろうと進んでみせる。なぜならそれは、私が心から望む道だから。

Posted By: TuneCore Japan
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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