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Fly Higher

Artist:TravisJapan  Album:VIIsual  Composer:エリック・リッドボム & Masaki Tomiyama 

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I'm looking for the answer in a maze And inside of my heart, it's still gray We can fly again yeah, it's not too late この鼓動 高鳴る方へ 飛び交う雑音が 惑わせる Late at night I won't hesitate no more 迷わないと So let's go キミと どこへだって 向かい風の真ん中へ 恐れず進め Follow me now 今声を上げ Cuz we're not alone Fly higher もうひとりじゃない 広大な夢へ One more time 霧の向こうにあるその真実が Cuz we're not alone Fly higher 手を伸ばせば 後悔ない 未来に One more try きっと 辿り着けるから Time to fly higher Hey how long should we fight for ourselves? 矛盾だらけ Like a nightmare Somebody calling us yeah, we'll be right there 今すぐ迎えに行くから That answer will fall apart 拾い集め繋ぎ合わせ

Posted By: sasaki
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:89


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