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A Dreamer's Holiday
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Climb aboard a butterfly and take off in the breeze, Let your worries flutter by and do the things you please, In the land where dollar bills are falling off the trees, On a dreamer's hol-i-day. Ev'ry day for breakfast, there's a dish of scrambled stars, And for luncheon, you'll be munchin' rainbow candy bars; You'll be livin' a-la-mode on Jupiter and Mars On a dreamer's hol-i-day. Make it a long vacation; time there is plenty of. You need no res-er-va-tion -- just bring along the one you love. Help yourself to happiness and sprinkle it with mirth, Close your eyes and concentrate and dream for all you're worth; You will feel ter-rif-ic when you get back down to earth From a dreamer's holiday. Climb aboard a butterfly and take off in the breeze,

Posted By: SWBae
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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