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Last One Standing

Artist:Neil Finn  Album:Try Whistling This  Writer:FINN NEIL MULLANE  Composer:FINN NEIL MULLANE 

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Hand me down my favourite coat Show what you're made of, surprise us both Fly in the night, slow down town Brake too fast, and bring us round, bring us round And the finest days have come Summer nights go on so long So high I might as well be gone And you are magnificent And I can see you with my eyes closed You're the last one standing Lean and hungry with a fire in your eyes I'll play catch up, you can show me where it's at I'll go along with anything that you want to do Every day I'm making ground So high I might as well be gone And you are magnificent And I can see you with my eyes closed When you're walking into my

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:7


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