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Point Of View

Artist:Grinspoon  Album:Grinspoon 

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"I'm primed for the airwaves, I can do it guys, really I can" Taxi man you drive too slow Brought the child out to be shown How to exist down here Grab a complex be like me Pimples control the way that you wanna be Yeah I let you exist in society I need a green just as much as you But it's not the way I want it now but your point of view Points the other way, yeah So paranoid it is making sense I've got to get away Right to the top just avoid the fence Cranky mum I'm sorry that Your daughter's gone and caught it Pretend it was never there Frankly dad your brain is sick All's I need's another fucking lunatic Yeah your insecurity shows

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1


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