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A & B Song

Artist:Tom McRae  Album:Tom McRae  Writer:MCRAE TOM  Composer:MCRAE TOM 

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A say's he's glad to be here B's chasing storms in the lightning state Where everyday above ground is a good day And life is great A's got cocaine body B's got a benylin brain A knows he's gonna be some body B don't believe in fame And all Our time Slips away And all Our time Slips away A's got a girl for each season B's got a mail order bride A knows he's headed for salvation B's afraid to die If hell is in the detail Babe I'm a microscope I know i'll live to see you swinging Given enough rope And all Our time Slips away And all Our time Slips away And all Our time

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:0


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