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Artist:MY FIRST STORY  Album:虚言NEUROSE  Writer:MY FIRST STORY  Composer:MY FIRST STORY  Release Year:2014 

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虚言NEUROSE artist:MY FIRST STORY words:MY FIRST STORY music:MY FIRST STORY Kill me the person away so back Kill me the person long ago What am I doing with them at this time why do I have to go along when is the time I come to be this way be just as now 虚言に染まりきった世界 歩き出した 紙クズだけを手にして 僕だけは迷わないように 火を灯した 誰かが目を覚ます前に Nobody cares about me(I will not stand up) Nobody knows about me(I will not wake up) いつだって僕の絡まる感情は 連鎖的不完全状態 いつまで? どこまで? I will always standing here from now on Day just talk among the will forever Tell me the reason why you're alive Tell me the reason why you're proud 今「僕」が「僕」じゃなくなって もう「愛」も「夢」も消え去った 何もかも意味がないの Nothing I wanna know

Posted By: バタンジ
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:61277


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