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Lyric Posting Community「PetitLyrics」


These are frequently asked questions about PetitLyrics. Choose from the following categories:

PetitLyrics website
PetitLyrics iOS version
PetitLyrics Android version
PetitLyrics Maker iOS/Android version
PetitLyrics Maker web browser version

About Lyrics
About Lyrics (viewing)/ Distributed lyrics contain an error or problem
About Lyrics (posting)/ Posting Guidelines

I cannot resolve the problem with the above solutions.
*We’re sorry, but we do not provide free support for how to use or configure PetitLyrics.


Is PetitLyrics free?
What can I do when I become a member?
I forgot my member ID/password.
Does PetitLyrics distribute music?
Is viewing or posting lyrics on PetitLyrics regarded as infringement of copyright?
Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?
I want to cancel my membership.
Distribution of behavioral targeting advertising by the third party company and invalidation procedure.

Q: Is PetitLyrics free?
A: PetitLyrics is free and you can use both the website and apps for free. Please feel free to use PetitLyrics.
*Internet charges are not included.
Q: What can I do when I become a member?
A: You will become able to do the following:
∙ You can create and post synced lyrics
∙ You can register your favorite lyrics on My Page
Membership registration is free, so you can feel free to try it out.
Q: I forgot my member ID/password.
A: You can check your member ID and reset your password with the following procedure:
1) Click the Login link on the menu at the top of the PetitLyrics website
2) Click Reissue your password if you forget it >> on the login screen
3) On the If you forgot your member ID/password page, enter your email address that you registered with and the character string shown as an image, and then click Send
*If you are using anti-spam settings, update the settings to allow emails from petitlyrics.com
4) Open the email from PetitLyrics and follow the included procedures for resetting your password
Q: Does PetitLyrics distribute music?
A: PetitLyrics is a service that displays lyrics as you are listening to your own music files, and does not distribute songs, except for a few samples. Get music from CDs (purchase or rental) or download music, and use this music with PetitLyrics.
Q: Is viewing or posting lyrics on PetitLyrics regarded as infringement of copyright?
A: Using PetitLyrics (viewing lyrics, etc.) is in accordance with the Terms of Use, and is legal as SyncPower has taken all the necessary actions to acquire licenses from copyright holders.
Q: Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?
A: We’re sorry, but we do not provide free support for how to use or configure PetitLyrics.
If you have any questions about PetitLyrics or you have found any problems, contact us with the inquiry form.
Q: I want to cancel my membership.
A: Log into the PetitLyrics website and go to My Page. Click the Settings tab. There will be a Cancel button. Click this button and follow the instructions displayed.
*After cancellation, you will not be able to log onto the PetitLyrics website or search or post lyrics with PetitLyrics Maker.
*Any synced lyrics that you posted will not be deleted, even if you cancel your membership. We appreciate your understanding.
Q: Distribution of behavioral targeting advertising by the third party company and invalidation procedure.
A:In our PetiLyrics services, there is a case that to acquire and utilize user and member activity information (excluded personal information) by the third party company for the purpose of distributing of the advertisement by the third party company and displaying of the advertisement of PetitLyrics services on PetitLyrics services.
The third party company utilize Cookie (temporary information made and stored when accesing website) only for the purpose of distributing the advertisement and acquire user and member activity information.
Information acquired by the third party company is never included personal information.
Cookie acquired by the third party is handled in accrding with the third party companys' privacy policy.
If you would like to invalidate this functinarity, access to the third party companys' websites below and invalidate (opt out) it.
How to invalidate (opt out) berhavioral targeting advertisement 【Website & Browser】
- Click information button set mainly upper right corner of a advertisement.
- Access to website of ad network providing behavioral targeting advertising.
- Following instructions of website, please invalidate (opt out) berhavioral targeting advertisement.
※Please understand this matter; Behavioral targeting advertising is invalidated (opted out) by doing invalidation (opt out) procedure. However, non-targeting advertisement will be distributed.

Yahoo Japan
Platform ID
Platform One
Silveregg technology
Ninja admax
MediaForge(Linkshare Japan K.K.)

The third party company utilize Identification for Advertising (IDFA: temporary ID for distributing the advertisement) provided by Apple Inc.
If you would like to invalidate the advertisement using IDFA, you may invalidate (opt out) in acoording with the announch provided by Apple Inc.

The third party company utilize Google Advertising ID (temporary ID for distributing the advertisement) provided by Google Inc.
If you would like to invalidate the advertisement using Google Advertising ID, you may invalidate (opt out) in acoording with the announch provided by Google Inc.

PetitLyrics website

Is PetitLyrics free?
What can I do when I become a member?
I haven’t received the temporary registration completion email
The temporary registration completion email is illegible
I cannot register and a message (Accessed URL has been invalidated as three hours have passed or the URL is broken ...) is displayed on the PetitLyrics website
I cannot log onto the PetitLyrics website
I posted lyrics from PetitLyrics Maker but the displayed album jacket photo is incorrect
Even after clicking on a song from the posted lyrics on My Page, the lyrics are not displayed and I can’t find them with the apps
What kind of account is that with the official badge?
Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?
I want to cancel my membership.

Q: Is PetitLyrics free?
A: PetitLyrics is free and you can use both the website and apps for free. Please feel free to use PetitLyrics.
*Internet charges are not included.
Q: What can I do when I become a member?
A: You will become able to do the following:
∙ You can create and post synced lyrics
∙ You can register your favorite lyrics on My Page
Membership registration is free, so you can feel free to try it out.
Q: ∙ I haven’t received the temporary registration completion email
A: Possible causes include:
∙ You entered an incorrect email address
⇒ If you entered wrong information, please register again.
∙ The temporary registration email was sent to the spam folder. ⇒ Some emails may unintentionally be sent to the spam folder. Please check the folder.
∙ Your inbox is full
⇒ If your inbox is full, you may not be able to receive new emails. If that is the case, please delete any unnecessary emails to create space.
∙ Anti-spam settings reject our email
⇒ Update the anti-spam settings to allow emails from petitlyrics.com.
Q: The temporary registration completion email is illegible.
A: Some email software applications have character code settings. These must be set to Unicode (UTF-8).
*The method for setting the character code varies based on the software. Consult the software vendor for details.
Q: I cannot register and a message (Accessed URL has been invalidated as three hours have passed or the URL is broken ...) is displayed on the PetitLyrics websites.
A: When clicking on the URL in the temporary registration completion email, a message (Accessed URL has been invalidated since three hours have passed or URL is broken. If three hours have passed, please register again.

If this screen appears even though hours have not passed yet, use an unbroken URL.) may be displayed and you may not be able to register.
The URL included in the temporary registration completion email is only valid for three hours after it has been sent from PetitLyrics. If three hours has passed, please register again.
If this message appears even though three hours have not passed yet, you may have clicked on a broken URL.
Some email software applications break up long URLs. Clicking on a broken URL line only includes a portion of URL (up to the line break) and you won’t be able to access the correct page.
Copy each of the broken URL lines to the browser address field to form the complete URL and access the correct page.
Q: I cannot log on to the PetitLyrics website.
A: Possible causes include:
∙ There may be a lot of traffic on the network, making it difficult to connect to the server
⇒ Please try again later.
∙ The member ID or password is incorrect
⇒ Check your member ID and password and enter them correctly.
(Check for double-byte characters (Japanese keyboards), unnecessary spaces, etc.)

If you still cannot log in, you may have forgotten your password. Please reset your password (refer to “I forgot my member ID/password”).
Q: I posted lyrics from PetitLyrics Maker but the album jacket photo that is displayed is not correct.
A: On the PetitLyrics website, album jacket photos are displayed based on the following information:
1) JAN code (13-digit number printed below the CD barcode, also called an EAN code)
2) Product number (printed on the CD package as ****-****)
3) Album title
Enter the above information correctly on the metadata page when posting lyrics.
*Independent artists may not be identified with 1) and 2) above. In this case, this metadata will be ignored.
Q: Even after clicking on a song from the posted lyrics on My Page, the lyrics are not displayed and I can’t find them with the apps
A: Possible causes are as follows:
∙ The corresponding work is not licensed for publishing lyrics on PetitLyrics.
∙ Lyrics and/or metadata may contain an error.

Please check the list of posted lyrics in My Page, as one of the above reasons will be shown in the lyrics page for the corresponding song.
Copyright status is always checked for lyrics data. Lyrics that are not licensed will not be displayed (suspended distribution). If we receive a license for these lyrics at a later time, they may be published (distributed). We cannot provide an estimate for when the license may be acquired.

If the lyrics data contains an error, check to see if there is a problem with the lyrics and/or metadata, and take one of the following actions:
∙ Post corrected lyrics and delete the wrong lyrics
∙ Edit the posted lyrics and click Report a Problem with Lyrics on the lyrics page on the PetitLyrics website. This will report that the editing was completed, and will request redistribution of the edited lyrics.

Refer to Posting Guidelines for posting standards.
Q:What kind of account is that with the official badge?
A:The account with the official badge is the Petitlyrics official account which is operated by PetitLyrics staff or the corporate account.
Q: Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?
A: We’re sorry, but we do not provide free support for how to use or configure PetitLyrics.
If you have any questions about the PetitLyrics website or you have found any problems, contact us with the inquiry form.
Q: I want to cancel my membership.
A: Log into the PetitLyrics website and go to My Page. Click the Settings tab and you will find a Cancel button. Click this button and follow the instructions displayed.
*After canceling your membership, you will not be able to log in to the PetitLyrics website or use the search and posting functions with PetitLyrics Maker.
*Any synced lyrics that were posted will not be deleted, even after you cancel your membership. We appreciate your understanding.

PetitLyrics iOS Version (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)

*Be sure use the latest iOS version of PetitLyrics.

A “Cannot connect to Internet” message is displayed
Lyrics are misaligned with the music (changes to display timing)
Lyrics of another song or version are displayed/I want to give preference to particular lyrics
Are there any tips for making it easier to display lyrics?/I cannot find lyrics
About Lyrics (viewing)/Distributed lyrics contain an error or problem
Lyrics do not appear when I play music and no message is displayed
Lyrics do not scroll automatically
Karaoke Sync is disabled for some songs
Cannot view lyrics in a slideshow (set location information)
I want to use controls while on the slideshow screen
I want to edit metadata (title, artist, etc.)
I don’t know how to add favorites
Song is not displayed
I don’t know how to create a playlist or add music to it
I cannot connect or post to a connected service (social networking, etc.)
Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?

Q: ∙ A “Cannot connect to Internet” message is displayed.
A: This message (Cannot connect to Internet) may be displayed in one of the following situations:
∙ When you cannot connect to the database server that distributes lyrics
∙ When there is no response within 10 seconds from the database server that distributes lyrics

Possible causes are as follows:
∙ The signal may be weak
∙ Too many PetitLyrics members are accessing the website at the same time

In both cases, it is only temporary. Please try again at a different time or from another location.
Q: Lyrics are misaligned with music (changes to display timing).
A: As synced lyrics distributed on PetitLyrics are synchronized with the music file used to create them, if the playback time of your music file is different from that of the original file, the display timing for the lyrics may become misaligned.
You can change the display timing with PetitLyrics settings.
On the playback screen, choose Settings (gear icon) and then Music Settings, and change the timing in Lyrics Display Timing.
Also, lyrics for different arrangements of a song may be displayed. In this case, use the search function to check if another version of the lyrics that match your music file is available.

If you cannot find an exact match, you can create synced lyrics on your own. Refer to the PetitLyrics Maker page for details.
Q: Lyrics of another song or version are displayed/I want to give preference to particular lyrics.
Q: Are there any tips for making it easier to display lyrics?/I cannot find lyrics.
Q: About Lyrics (viewing)/Distributed lyrics contain an error or problem.
Q: Lyrics do not appear when I play music and no message is displayed.
A: If you are not connected to the Internet, information cannot be obtained and nothing will be shown.
Please check your Internet connection. (PetitLyrics lyrics are streamed and require an Internet connection)
If you are using PetitLyrics version 1.1.0 or earlier, update to the latest version.
Q: Lyrics do not scroll automatically.
A: PetitLyrics distributes lyrics in three display modes:
∙ Karaoke Sync - Colors of the characters change character by character (like karaoke)
∙ Line Sync - Colors change line by line
∙ Text Lyrics - Text colors do not change and lyrics do not scroll automatically
Display priority: Karaoke Sync (default), Line Sync, Text Lyrics. Non-scrolling text lyrics are displayed when the synced lyrics are not available.
As no time information is not set for text lyrics, they will not automatically scroll as the music is played.

Automatic scrolling may stop if you return to a location in the song during playback after lyrics from a different part of the song have been played (for a song with automatic scrolling enabled). In this case, open a screen other than the playback screen (by tapping Music Information (i), Search (magnifying glass icon), or Settings (gear icon)), and then tap Return in the upper left of the screen to return to the playback screen. This resumes automatic scrolling.
Q: Karaoke Sync is disabled for some songs.
A: PetitLyrics distributes lyrics in three display modes:
∙ Karaoke Sync - Colors of the characters change character by character (like karaoke)
∙ Line Sync - Colors change line by line
∙ Text Lyrics - Text colors do not change and lyrics do not scroll automatically
Display priority: Karaoke Sync (default), Line Sync, Text Lyrics. Line Sync lyrics are displayed if Karaoke Sync lyrics for the current song are not available, and text lyrics are displayed when either type of synced lyrics are not available.
You can search the PetitLyrics website to see if Karaoke Sync is available for the lyrics you are searching for.

You can also turn automatic display settings on or off for Karaoke Sync in the PetitLyrics application settings.
1) Tap Settings (gear icon) in the lower right of the playback screen.
2) Tap General Settings.
3) Tap Karaoke Display to switch on or off.
Q: Slideshow does not work.
A: If the slideshow does not start even when you switch the screen to landscape mode, check the following:
*If you only use a Wi-Fi Internet connection, connect to Wi-Fi first.
1) In iOS: Settings > Privacy > Photos. Turn on PetitLyrics.
2) In iOS: Settings > Privacy > Location Services. If PetitLyrics is shown, turn it on as well.
3) Launch PetitLyrics. Settings (gear icon) > General Settings > Playback Folder. Specify the folder where the images you want to display are saved.
4) Settings (gear icon) > General Settings. Check if Slideshow is turned on.
Q: I want to use controls while on the slideshow screen.
A: To use controls during a slideshow (landscape display mode), tap the arrow (▼) in the upper right of the screen to show the hidden buttons.
Q: I want to edit metadata (title, artist, etc.).
A: PetitLyrics currently does not offer a way to edit metadata (title, album, artist, album jacket photo, etc.). Use music management software (Music Center for PC, iTunes, etc.) to edit and transfer the edited file to your device.
Q: I don’t know how to add favorites.
A: Check the steps below for how to add favorites. Note that there is currently no compatibility with the PetitLyrics website. Your favorite settings made on the PetitLyrics iOS version will only apply to your device.

Add lyrics to favorites
1) Play a song.
2) Tap Add Favorite (star icon) on the bottom of the playback screen.
You can add up to 20 songs to your favorites. When you add the 21st song, the 1st song from the list will be deleted.

Check lyrics added to favorites
1) Tap Settings (gear icon) one the lower right of the playback screen.
2) Tap My Page.
3) Tap Favorite Lyrics on My Page.

Delete lyrics from favorites
Currently, there is no way to delete favorites.
Just add more than 20 favorites to delete older ones.
Q: Song is not displayed.
A: PetitLyrics is an app that plays back music files saved on the device and display lyrics during playback. First, check if the music file is saved in the designated Music folder on your device. (This is the same as playing music files on the standard music player by transferring them to the appropriate folder)
Q: I don’t know how to create a playlist or add music to it.
A: The iOS version of PetitLyrics currently does not offer a way to create or edit playlists.
Close PetitLyrics and create or edit a playlist using a standard music app on your device or in iTunes.
Launch PetitLyrics again and you should see the new or edited playlist.
Q: I cannot connect or post to a connected service (social networking, etc.)
A: The connected service’s server may not respond due to network congestion. Try again later.
If you manually enter your ID and password each time, check if you are entering the correct ID and password.
Q: Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?
A: We’re sorry, but we do not provide free support for how to use or configure PetitLyrics.
If you have any other questions about the PetitLyrics website that cannot be answered with Help, or you have found any problems, contact us with the inquiry form.

PetitLyrics Android Version

A “Cannot connect to Internet” message is displayed
Lyrics are misaligned with the music (changes to display timing)
Lyrics of another song or version are displayed/I want to give preference to particular lyrics
Are there any tips for making it easier to display lyrics?/I cannot find lyrics
About Lyrics (viewing)/Distributed lyrics contain an error or problem
Lyrics do not scroll automatically
Karaoke Sync is disabled for some songs
The end of a lyrics line is broken and displayed on a new line
Slideshow does not work
I want to edit metadata (title, artist, etc.)
I don’t know how to create a playlist or add music to it
I don’t know how to add favorites
I cannot listen to music
I don’t know how to import music
Downloaded music seems to have disappeared
Sound (equalizer) settings have disappeared
I cannot connect or post to a connected service (social networking, etc.)
I want to stop the app from running in the background
PetitLyrics is forcibly terminated, and music keeps playing on and off
Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?

Q: ∙ A “Cannot connect to Internet” message is displayed.
A: This message (Cannot connect to Internet) may be displayed in one of the following situations:
∙ When you cannot connect to the database server that distributes lyrics
∙ When there is no response within 10 seconds from the database server that distributes lyrics

Possible causes are as follows:
∙ The signal may be weak
∙ Too many PetitLyrics members are accessing the website at the same time

In both cases, it is only temporary. Please try again at a different time or from another location.
Q: Lyrics are misaligned with music (changes to display timing).
A: As synced lyrics distributed on PetitLyrics are synchronized with the music file used to create them, if the playback time of your music file is different from that of the original file, the overall display timing for the lyrics may become misaligned.
You can change the overall display timing with PetitLyrics settings.
On the playback screen, choose Settings and then Music Settings, and change the timing in Lyrics Display Timing.
Also, lyrics for different arrangements of a song may be displayed. In this case, use the search function to check if another version of the lyrics that match your music file is available.

If you cannot find an exact match, you can create synced lyrics on your own. Refer to the PetitLyrics Maker page for details.
Q: Lyrics of another song or version are displayed/I want to give preference to particular lyrics.
Q: Are there any tips for making it easier to display lyrics?/I cannot find lyrics.
Q: About Lyrics (viewing)/Distributed lyrics contain an error or problem.
Q: Lyrics do not scroll automatically.
A: PetitLyrics distributes lyrics in three display modes:
∙ Karaoke Sync - Colors of the characters change character by character (like karaoke)
∙ Line Sync - Colors change line by line
∙ Text Lyrics - Text colors do not change and lyrics do not scroll automatically
Display priority: Karaoke Sync (default), Line Sync, Text Lyrics. Non-scrolling text lyrics are displayed when the synced lyrics are not available.
As no time information is not set for text lyrics, they will not automatically scroll as the music is played.

Automatic scrolling may stop if you return to a location in the song during playback after lyrics from a different part of the song have been played (for a song with automatic scrolling enabled). In this case, open a screen other than the playback screen by tapping Return and then return to the playback screen. This resumes automatic scrolling.
Q: Karaoke Sync is disabled for some songs.
A: There are three types of display modes for PetitLyrics lyrics:
∙ Karaoke Sync - Colors of the characters change character by character (like karaoke)
∙ Line Sync - Colors change line by line
∙ Text Lyrics - Text colors do not change and lyrics do not scroll automatically
Display priority: Karaoke Sync (default), Line Sync, Text Lyrics. Line Sync lyrics are displayed if Karaoke Sync lyrics for the current song are not available, and text lyrics are displayed when either type of synced lyrics are not available.
You can search the PetitLyrics website to see if Karaoke Sync is available for the lyrics you are searching for.

You can also turn automatic display settings on or off for Karaoke Sync in the PetitLyrics application settings.
1) Tap Settings for Android on the lower right part of the screen.
2) Tap Display Settings.
3) Tap Karaoke Display to switch the check mark to on or off.
*On the playback screen in PetitLyrics: Settings > PetitLyrics Settings > Display Settings > Karaoke settings
Q: The end of a lyrics line is broken and displayed on a new line.
A: This may occur if you are using a larger font chosen from Android settings. To change this, return the font to normal size when using PetitLyrics.
Q: Slideshow does not work.
A: Slideshow is only supported in landscape display mode. Place the device sideways after starting playback.
(If the screen orientation is fixed in Android settings, change it back to automatic rotation)
If the slideshow does not start even when you place the device sideways, check the PetitLyrics Settings.
1) PetitLyrics Settings > Slideshow.
2) PetitLyrics Settings > Playback Folder. Tap ..., select an album, tap one of the displayed photos, then tap OK.
Q: I want to edit metadata (title, artist, etc.).
A: PetitLyrics currently does not offer a way to edit metadata (title, album, artist, album jacket photo, etc.). Use music management software (Music Center for PC, iTunes, etc.) to edit and transfer the edited file to your device.
Q: I don’t know how to create a playlist or add music to it.
A: Create from the music list
1) Display the music list.
2) Tap and hold the song you want to add to the playlist.
3) Tap Add to Playlist.
4) Select an existing playlist or tap New, enter a playlist name to create a new playlist, and tap Save.

Create while playing back music
1) Display the music list.
2) Tap a song to start playback.
3) Tap Settings for Android while playing the song.
4) Tap Add to Playlist.
5) Select an existing playlist or tap New, enter a playlist name to create a new playlist, and tap Save.
Q: I don’t know how to add favorites.
A: Check the steps below for how to add favorites. Note that there is currently no compatibility with the PetitLyrics website. Your favorite settings made on the PetitLyrics Android version will only apply to your device.

Add lyrics to favorites
1) Play a song.
2) Tap Add Favorite (star icon) on the bottom of the playback screen.
You can add up to 20 songs to your favorites. When you add the 21st song, the 1st song from the list will be deleted.

Check lyrics added to favorites
1) Tap Settings for Android on the lower right of the playback screen.
*This is not the Settings icon for PetitLyrics.
2) Tap My Page.
3) Tap Favorite Lyrics on My Page.

Delete lyrics from favorites
Currently, there is no way to delete favorites.
Just add more than 20 favorites to delete older ones.
Q: I cannot listen to music.
A: Close PetitLyrics and relaunch the app.
If the problem persists, restart your device.

If the problem still persists, check the following:
∙ Check the location where the music files are saved. If they are not saved in the default MUSIC folder, move or copy them to the MUSIC folder.
∙ If the music files are saved on an SD or microSD card, the card may have become damaged or is not recognized correctly. Refer to PetitLyrics is forcibly terminated, and music stops on and off.
Try playing the music using another music player on your device. If you cannot still listen to it, there may be a problem the music file or your device.
∙ If this problem only occurs with PetitLyrics, there may be a problem with PetitLyrics. Try uninstalling PetitLyrics once and then re-install it again.
Q: I don’t know how to import music.
A: PetitLyrics is an app that plays back music files saved on the device and display lyrics during playback. It does not provide any functions for managing music. Refer to your device’s manual for information on importing music.
When you launch PetitLyrics with music saved on your device, music files are automatically loaded into PetitLyrics. When you play a song in PetitLyrics, lyrics are acquired via the Internet and displayed on your device.
Q: Downloaded music seems to have disappeared.
A: PetitLyrics is an app that plays back music files saved on the device and display lyrics during playback. It does not provide any functions for managing music. PetitLyrics cannot delete any music files. Check your device’s music management software.
∙ If the music files are saved on an SD or microSD card, the card may have become damaged or is not recognized correctly. Refer to PetitLyrics is forcibly terminated, and music stops on and off.
Q: Sound (equalizer) settings have disappeared.
A: The sound settings (equalizer) in PetitLyrics use your device’s function.
The equalizer settings are saved by the MusicFX app. If it is stopped or deleted, you can change the settings. Settings for Android > Apps > All
If you are using a task killer app, check its settings, as well.
Q: I cannot connect or post to a connected service (social networking, etc.)
A: The connected service’s server may not respond due to network congestion. Try again later.
If you manually enter your ID and password each time, check if you are entering the correct ID and password.
Q: I want to stop the app from running in the background.
A: Follow the procedure below. (*Detailed procedures depend on the model of your device. Refer to the manual for details)
1) Tap the Task icon on the Home screen.
2) From the list of recently used applications, chosen and close PetitLyrics.
Q: PetitLyrics is forcibly terminated, and music stops on and off.
A: This may occur in the following two situations due to the way the app is programed:
∙ Playback is paused when earphones are disconnected
∙ Playback is paused when an incoming call is received

If the music files are saved on an SD or microSD card, this may occur due to the following:

SD or microSD card is damaged
When the SD or microSD card has data written to it frequently (functions other than the phone are used frequently, etc.) or the current SD/microSD card has been used for around 2 years, it may be worn out or damaged. Suspended or on and off playback in PetitLyrics due to damaged SD/microSD cards is a known issue.
Please use a new SD/microSD card.

SD or microSD card is not recognized correctly
A updated SD/microSD card may not be recognized by your device. Refer to your device’s manual on updating SD/microSD card information, or restarting your device.
Q: Are there free support services for PetitLyrics?
A: We’re sorry, but we do not provide free support for how to use or configure PetitLyrics.
If you have any other questions about the PetitLyrics website that cannot be answered with Help, or you have found any problems, contact us with the inquiry form.

PetitLyrics Maker Android/iOS version

I want to post lyrics but I don’t have an ID. How can I post lyrics?
I forgot my ID/password.
Where can I view synced lyrics that I created?
What kind of lyrics can I post?
Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?
What music file formats are supported?
The play button is disabled on the timing input screen. (It is grayed out)
I want to connect Spotify® music, but the music does not play.
Do I need to enter lyrics text by myself?
I want to prevent the song from rewinding and playing when the line changes due to timing input.
I cannot add timing information to a blank line (not a lyric line).
I cannot enter lyrics for a fast song, like rap.
I cannot catch up with line breaks while entering timing information because they are too fast.
I previewed the timing but it was slow overall, and I want to adjust it.
I want to delete entered timing information for all lines at once, not line by line.
I could not catch up with playback while entering timing information, so I want to return to the previous playback part.
I want to announce my posted lyrics on Twitter or LINE.
Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify® ?
How can I delete the posted lyrics.

Q: I want to post lyrics but I don’t have an ID. How can I post lyrics?
A: Register for membership here.
Q: I forgot my ID/password.
A: Check your ID and/or reset your password here.
Q: Where can I view synced lyrics that I created?
A: Refer to Where can I view synced lyrics that I created? in About Lyrics (posting).
Q: What kind of lyrics can I post?
A: Refer to What kind of lyrics can I post? in About Lyrics (posting).
Q: Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?
Q: What music file formats are supported?
A: OGG, MP3, MP2, MP1, WAV, AIFF, AAC, and FLAC are supported.
If you are using iTunes Match with the PetitLyrics Maker iOS version, you can play music stored on iCloud but cannot change the playback speed.
If you want to change the playback speed, download the music and play it using a standard player.
Q: The play button is disabled on the timing input screen. (It is grayed out)
A: The song may have digital copyright protection (DRM). Use a non-DRM song.
Q: I want to connect Spotify® music, but the music does not play.
A: You need Spotify® Premium account to play on Petitlyrics. Please check the connected Spoify® account.
Q: Do I need to enter lyrics text by myself?
A: In general, you will need to enter the text by yourself.
You can also load data from the lyrics card using an OCR application.
Q: I want to prevent the song from rewinding and playing when the line changes due to timing input.
A: Change the end of line rewinding speed to "0 sec".
Q: I cannot add timing information to a blank line (not a lyric line).
A: Do not trace using your finger. Tap on the screen at the timing when you want to move to the next line. This will allow exact timing information to be entered.
Q: I cannot enter lyrics for a fast song, like rap.
A: Change the playback speed to 0.8x or 0.5x and try again.
Q: I cannot catch up with line breaks while entering timing information because they are too fast.
A: Change the end of line rewinding speed to -3.0 sec.
Q: I previewed the timing but it was slow overall, and I want to adjust it.
A: You can make the entire display timing faster or slower by using the slider at the bottom of the preview screen. When you close the preview screen, the timing information at that time will be retained.
Q: I want to delete entered timing information for all lines at once, not line by line.
A: Tap Load on the Music Information menu and swipe left on the target song. A Delete button will appear. Tap this button to delete the timing information. Note that this operation also deletes the lyrics text data you entered. Be sure to copy the lyrics text data to a text editor (Notepad, etc.) before deleting the timing information.
Q: I could not catch up with playback while entering timing information, so I want to return to the previous playback part.
A: Tap -5 sec at the top of the timing input screen to return to a position 5 seconds before the current position.
Q: I want to announce my posted lyrics on Twitter and LINE.
A: Share icon is located on each song on the project list screen. Tapping this button creates a standard text feed. Edit it as necessary and post it to Twitter or LINE.
Q: Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify® ?
A: Refer to Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify® in About Lyrics (posting).
Q: How can I delete the posted lyrics.
A: You can delete the lyrics on My Page in PetitLyrics website.
In the Posted Lyrics List on My Page, click the Delete button of the lyrics you want to delete.

PetitLyrics Maker web browser version

∙ How to Use: Create synced lyrics! How to use PetitLyrics Maker web browser version

Is PetitLyrics Maker free?
Are there any notes about the operating environment?
Where can I view synced lyrics that I created?
What kind of lyrics can I post?
Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?
Are there any tips to make it easier to display lyrics in PetitLyrics?
I cannot play (or load) music
Lyrics disappear while I’m creating them
I want to save created synced lyrics
When I view synced lyrics created using PetitLyrics Maker in PetitLyrics, the timing seems to be slightly misaligned. What should I do?
I want to edit posted synced lyrics
I want to delete posted synced lyrics
I want to enter the synced time information using numeric values
Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify® ?
Are there free support services for PetitLyrics Maker?

Q: Is PetitLyrics Maker free?
A: PetitLyrics is free and you can use both the website and apps for free. Please feel free to use PetitLyrics.
*Internet charges are not included.
Q: Are there any notes about the operating environment?
A: The PetitLyrics Maker web browser version runs on a web browser, on both Windows and Mac.
The PetitLyrics Maker web browser version was tested with the browsers listed below. Please use one of the following browsers:

∙ Latest version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome
∙ Latest version of Safari, Firefox, and Chrome
Q: Where can I view synced lyrics that I created?
A: Refer to Where can I view synced lyrics that I created? in About Lyrics (posting).
Q: What kind of lyrics can I post?
A: Refer to What kind of lyrics can I post? in About Lyrics (posting).
Q: Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?
Q: Are there any tips to make it easier to display lyrics in PetitLyrics?
A: When posing completed lyrics, set the metadata (title, artist name, etc.) correctly by referencing an official source (CD lyrics card or artist/label website).
Use a music file imported from a CD or purchased from an online music store.
Q: I cannot play (or load) music.
A: Please check the following:
1) Is the playback time of the music displayed correctly (between the seek bar and volume button under the playback section)?
Example: Playback time: 3:30 (for music with a playback time of 3 minutes, 30 seconds)
2) When you click Play, do the seek bar and playback time change?

If either one does not change, the music may not have been loaded into PetitLyrics Maker correctly.
Load the music again and check to see if the problem is solved.
You can also try displaying another page and then try re-opening the PetitLyrics Maker web browser version. (Note that while editing lyrics, moving to another page or reloading the current page will erase the lyrics)

*PetitLyrics Maker web version currently only supports the mp3 format and wav format (codec).
*PetitLyrics Maker may not be able to correctly load a file in the .mp3 format. convert the file to the mp3 format again ( from the mp3 to the mp3 format), and load the converted mp3 file to PetitLyrics Maker.
Q: Lyrics disappear while I’m creating them.
A: Do not use the browser’s Back or Reload buttons while using the PetitLyrics Maker web browser version, as lyrics and loaded music files will be lost. Be sure not to change screens while creating lyrics.
Q: I want to save created synced lyrics.
A: You cannot save lyrics created or edited with the PetitLyrics Maker web browser version on a PC. Post the completed lyrics and then use them.
Q: When I view synced lyrics created using PetitLyrics Maker in PetitLyrics, the timing seems to be slightly misaligned. What should I do?
A: Though unlikely, sometimes the playback timing can become misaligned depending on the type (format) of music file used.
In this case, adjust the display timing using the PetitLyrics settings option.
Q: I want to edit posted synced lyrics.
A: You can edit lyrics data that has already been posted with PetitLyrics Maker. (The corresponding music file is required)
For details, refer to - Web browser version - STEP 04 Editing posted lyrics on the How to Use PetitLyrics Maker page.
*Note that you cannot save lyrics data edited in this method on your PC.
*Lyrics created using the PetitLyrics Maker iOS or Android version cannot be searched for or edited using the web browser version. Use will need to use the app used to create the files.
Q: I want to delete posted synced lyrics.
A: You can delete lyrics data on My Page on the PetitLyrics website.
In the posted lyrics list on My Page, click Delete to delete the lyrics.
Q: I want to enter the synced time information using numeric values
A: You can create synced lyrics easily with PetitLyrics Maker by pressing a button to set time information. If you want to specify time information to be more exact with numeric values, press once to roughly set the time information and then use Adjust Time to adjust the time for each line.
There is a button to shift the timing forward or backward for a specified line, as well as a button for shifting the timing of all lines. In the web browser version, you can adjust timing by 1/100 of a second.
Q: Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify® ?
A: Refer to Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify® in About Lyrics (posting).
Q: Are there free support services for PetitLyrics Maker?
A: We’re sorry, but we do not provide free support for how to use or configure PetitLyrics Maker.
If you have any questions about PetitLyrics Maker or you have found any problems, contact us with the inquiry form.

About Lyrics
About Lyrics (Viewing)

Are there any tips for making it easier to display lyrics?/I cannot find lyrics
Lyrics are misaligned with the music (changes to display timing)
Lyrics of another song or version are displayed/I want to give preference to particular lyrics
Karaoke version of lyrics is disabled for some songs
Lyrics which were displayed before are not displayed
What is the difference between lyrics that are distributed and which are not?
I’d like to make a request for lyrics
The distributed lyrics contain an error or problem
Can I download, copy, or print lyrics?
Is viewing lyrics on PetitLyrics regarded as infringement of copyright?

Q: Are there any tips for making it easier to display lyrics?/I cannot find lyrics.
A: You can search for lyrics by title and artist in PetitLyrics. Set this and other information correctly for the music file by referencing an official source (CD lyrics card or artist/label website).
Synced lyrics are created based on music playback time. Use a music file imported from a CD or purchased from a legitimate online music store.

If you cannot find the lyrics you are searching for, the metadata may be different. Use manual lyrics search in PetitLyrics to find the lyrics.

Q: Lyrics are misaligned with music (changes to display timing).
A: As synced lyrics distributed on PetitLyrics are synchronized with the music file used to create them, if the playback time of your music file is different from that of the original file, the display timing for the lyrics may become misaligned.
You can change the display timing with PetitLyrics settings.
Also, lyrics for different arrangements of a song may be displayed. In this case, use the search function to check if another version of the lyrics that match your music file is available. (Lyrics search is only available with the iOS and Android versions)

If you cannot find an exact match for the display timing, you can create the synced lyrics on your own with PetitLyrics Maker.
Q: Lyrics of another song or version are displayed/I want to give preference to particular lyrics. (iOS/Android version)
A: You can search for lyrics by title and artist in PetitLyrics. Set this and other information correctly for the music file by referencing an official source (CD lyrics card or artist/label website).
Synced lyrics are created based on music playback time. Use a music file imported from a CD or purchased from a legitimate online music store.
*Lyrics are not displayed if the playback time is significantly different.

PetitLyrics iOS/Android version
If the displayed lyrics are for a different song or version, or multiple results are found and you know which version you want to display (when you want to display lyrics you created and posted using PetitLyrics Maker, etc.), you can set the PetitLyrics display priority using the manual lyrics search and display preference (link) functions on PetitLyrics app.

1) Play the music.
2) Tap the down arrow (↓) icon in the upper right of the screen.

Changing lyrics displayed on the play back screen
*You can use this function when multiple candidates are automatically displayed.
3) A window displaying Previous Lyrics and Next Lyrics will be displayed. Tap the right and left arrow icons to display the desired lyrics.
4) The chosen lyrics will automatically be displayed each time. (The lyrics icon in the upper right of the playback screen will change to include a chain mark)

Manually searching for lyrics
3) Tap Link Other Lyrics.
4) The Manual Lyrics Search screen opens. Enter a keyword and perform a search.
5) If multiple results are found, tap the desired one.
6) A message “Lyrics have been linked “ will appear, indicating that the lyrics have been linked. The linked lyrics will automatically be displayed each time. (The lyrics icon in the upper right of the playback screen will change to include a chain mark)
*You can also perform a manual lyrics search using the Search (magnifying glass) icon at the bottom of the playback screen.

Un-linking lyrics
3) Tap Delete Lyrics to delete the lyrics information.
4) Then tap the rewind icon at the top of the playback screen. Lyrics are automatically found and candidates are displayed again.
*You can also delete lyrics using the lyrics icon with the chain mark in the upper right of the playback screen.

If the lyrics you are searching for have not been distributed, you can create synced lyrics on your own. Refer to the PetitLyrics Maker page for details.
Q: Karaoke version of lyrics is disabled for some songs. (iOS/Android versions)
A: There are three types of display modes for PetitLyrics lyrics:
∙ Karaoke Sync - Colors of the characters change character by character (like karaoke)
∙ Line Sync - Colors change line by line
∙ Text Lyrics - Text colors do not change and lyrics do not scroll automatically
Display priority: Karaoke Sync (default), Line Sync, Text Lyrics. Line Sync lyrics are displayed if the Karaoke version for the current song are not available, and text lyrics are displayed when either type of synced lyrics are not available.
You can search the PetitLyrics website to see if the Karaoke version is available for the lyrics you are searching for.
You can also switch on or off the Karaoke display with the PetitLyrics app settings.
Q: Lyrics which were displayed before are not displayed.
A: Possible causes are as follows:

1) The user who posted the lyrics deleted them
2) The lyrics were hidden or deleted due to copyright infringement
∙ The corresponding work is not licensed for publishing lyrics on PetitLyrics
∙ Lyrics and/or metadata may contain an error

If you cannot view lyrics that you posted yourself, you can see the reason on My Page of the PetitLyrics website.
Search for the lyrics from the list of posted lyrics.
Then click the title to open the lyrics page.
In the case of 2), the lyrics text will not be displayed but the reason will be explained.
*You cannot post the lyrics again if they were hidden due to copyright infringement.
Q: What is the difference between lyrics that are distributed and which are not?
A: We constantly check for copyrights for lyrics data and determine whether or not lyrics can be distributed. When we determine that lyrics cannot be distributed, they will be hidden (distribution will be suspended).
Differences between lyrics that are distributed and that are not also include the following:
∙ Distribution permission status differs from song to song Some of the songs by a lyricist/composer may be permitted for distribution while others by the same lyricist/composer may not.
∙ Lyrics that are hidden (distribution is suspended) may contain incorrect metadata
∙ While we constantly check for distribution availability, lyrics for a song may remain distributed before we determine that they cannot be distributed and stop distributing them, depending on when they are posted (They will eventually be hidden)
∙ Lyrics created by SyncPower may have different distribution status from other lyrics because we have a different contract from members for using copyrighted materials We appreciate your understanding.
Q: I’d like to make a request for lyrics.
A: We have a dedicated channel for making requests for lyrics on PetitLyrics. Follow the procedures below.
*Be sure to indicate the artist, title, and album with correct (official) data in order to identify the work correctly.
*When the requested lyrics are not allowed for distribution on PetitLyrics due to a copyright reason, the request will be canceled.
*Do not make a request for music without lyrics (instrumental music).
*We cannot guarantee that all requests will be fulfilled.

PetitLyrics iOS/Android version
Tap Request in the upper right of the playback screen or tap Request -> Send while the message, “Lyrics not found,” is displayed.

*The PetitLyrics website does not provide a request form. Use the applications above to make your request.
Q: Lyrics contain an error or problem - Report a Lyrics Problem form
A: For lyrics posted by an artist himself/herself or by the SyncPower account, the displayed text may differ from the actual singing.
This is because lyrics are posted as printed on the lyrics card.
If synced lyrics are posted, they will be displayed in the PetitLyrics player as they are.

If you find:
・An error in the lyrics text, artist, title, album, lyricist, or composer, or
∙ Lyrics that cannot be posted,
click Report Problem with Lyrics and enter details in the Lyrics Problem Report form. We will check your report and address the problem as required.
Be sure to fill in the report correctly, with concrete examples.
We can not guarantee that we will send you a reply with the results. We appreciate your understanding.
Q: Can I download, copy, or print lyrics?
A: We are ;icensed by three copyright management organizations to distribute lyrics in the streaming format: Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC), and NexTone. It is prohibited to reproduce (including downloading) and/or print lyrics data distributed on PetitLyrics. Please enjoy simply viewing lyrics.
Q: Is viewing lyrics on PetitLyrics regarded as infringement of copyright?
A: Using PetitLyrics (viewing lyrics, etc.) is in accordance with the Terms of Use, and is legal as SyncPower has taken all the necessary actions to acquire licenses from copyright holders.

About Lyrics (Posting)

Where can I view synced lyrics that I created?
What kind of lyrics can I post?
Are there any lyrics that cannot be posted?
Are there notes about posting lyrics?
Can I post lyrics for non-Japanese music?
Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?
How can I check to see which organization manages the lyrics I want to post?
Can I post translations of lyrics?
Can I add phrases not printed on the lyrics card or published on the official website which are phrases they actually sing.
Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify®.
Is posting lyrics regarded as infringement of copyright?

Q: Where can I view synced lyrics that I created?
A: You can view them on various of our apps and affiliated services in addition to PetitLyrics website.
Q: What kind of lyrics can I post?
A: You can post the works managed by JASRAC / NexTone, and the works those for which PetitLyrics has obtained licenses individually. Please refer to Posting Guidelines for details.
Q: Are there any lyrics that cannot be posted?
A: The following works can not be posted;
- works with lyrics that are not published (including before release)
- works that you heard and transcribed
- works without lyrics (instrumental)
- works translation of lyrics
- the pseudonym reading of the lyrics
- the parody songs without permission of the lyrics by the original writer
- works managed by copyright management companies other than by JASRAC / NexTone, you also cannot post the works that copyrights is managed by yourself (including self-managed works except the works those for which PetitLyrics has obtained licenses individually.
- the text that is not lyrics (Please enter to the dedicated field).
Refer to Posting Guidelines for details and ways to examine licensed works.

If you are an artist and manage the copyright of your own works, you can post lyrics for them on PetitLyrics. Please refer to "Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?".
Q: Are there notes about posting lyrics?
A: You can search for lyrics by title and artist in PetitLyrics. Set this and other information correctly for the music file by referencing an official source (CD lyrics card or artist/label website).
Use a music file imported from a CD or purchased from a legitimate online music store.

We provide Posting Guidelines to make displaying lyrics on PetitLyrics more convenient, as well as to protect the rights of copyright holders.
Please read and observe the guidelines below when posting lyrics.
∙ Some lyrics cannot be posted/Guidelines for posting availability
∙ Guidelines for lyrics text input
∙ Enter music data correctly/Guidelines for metadata input
For details, please see Posting Guidelines.
Q: Can I post lyrics for non-Japanese music?
A: You can post lyrics of non-Japanese music if the copyrights are managed by Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC), or NexTone.
Refer to Posting Guidelines for details and ways to examine licensed works.
Q: Can I post lyrics that I write and whose copyright holder is me?
A: You can post the lyrics that copyright is managed by yourself, such as you are the writer of the lyrics.
Please check the "I am the copyright holder of this lyrics" option when you post the lyrics on Petitlyrics Maker, then enter the name of the copyright holder.
Also when posting, please register as a member of "PetitLyrics" and post with your own account, (if you post with the shared account "Spotify User", it may be overwrriten by other users)

* Please allow us to distribute your works for free.
* Petitlyrics Maker for Windows PC version does not support works whose copyright is self-managed.
The lyrics of your post may be hidden (unsubscribed), so please use the smartphone version of Petitlyrics Maker.
* You can not post a parody song which is not officially accepted even if you are the writer of the lyrics.

Please contact us by the CONTACT US form for more details.
Q: How can I check to see which organization manages the lyrics I want to post?
A: You can check by searching on the websites of each of the copyright management organizations. For details, please see Posting Guidelines.
Q: Can I post translations of lyrics?
A: You cannot post translations of lyrics. (Non-Japanese language to Japanese, or between two non-Japanese languages)
Even if the translation is officially announced (in the CD booklet, etc.), it is often translated by a translator other than the copyright holder and permission for distribution cannot be obtained in many cases.
If translation of lyrics not authorized by the copyright holder is posted, the translation may infringe upon the rights of the copyright holder, as unintentionally mis-translated expressions may be present.
Please do not post translations of lyrics. Posted translations of lyrics will always be hidden (distribution will be suspended).
Q: Can I add phrases not printed on the lyrics card or published on the official website which are phrases they actually sing.
A: Phrases not included in lyrics officially published (in the lyrics card or on the official website) be guessed phrases and may not be correct, so please do not add or change.
Q: Why posted lyrics doesn't appear on Spotify®.
A: It will take a few days to be reflected on Spotify®.
Q: Is posting lyrics regarded as infringement of copyright?
A: Using PetitLyrics (viewing lyrics, etc.) is in accordance with the Terms of Use, and is legal as SyncPower has taken all the necessary actions to acquire licenses from copyright holders.
However, you can only post lyrics of musical works with licenses managed by (licensed for distribution by) Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC), and NexTone, as well as those for which PetitLyrics has obtained licenses individually (including those managed by the composers themselves) and only works posted by artists and related parties themselves.
Do not post lyrics for musical works with licenses managed by other copyright management organizations or managed personally.
There are other conditions that you should not post, so please see Posting Guidelines.


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