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TOP > Lyrics > Ordo Ab Chao: The Scarlet Communion
Ordo Ab Chao: The Scarlet Communion
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His excess of light is searching for your darkness He is the tyrant There's one only law for him ...to be pure He comes from above He died a thousand times and put his hand in mine He hails victory and loss I hear him coming every single day And the queen desires me To use some gentle entertainment to him If it be her will... And I have no choice - Plus de chemin nulle part I should kill for him - I will kill for me He shall bring me the anti- matter No compassion, never Never kneel before anyone The wound is so deep Them - Us - Against I sacrify my right arm to the golden rain And I know it's a sign I know the end is near One black cancer to make the children close their eyes Abime, Abyssus, Propator ! The red earth is trickling down on the wall Its blood is running off my

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