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TOP > Lyrics > Stuck in the middle
Stuck in the middle

Artist:ONE OK ROCK  Album:35xxxv  Writer:ONE OK ROCK/John Feldmann  Composer:ONE OK ROCK/John Feldmann  Release Year:2015-02-11  Number:AZCS-1041

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What we finally found wasn't what we wanted Wish I could have gone to where we started Back to black I can't see what's around me Back to black hope to gain some control I gave up everything I tried to have it all And I'm stuck in the middle I couldn't have it all now I'm alone And I've been down and out Now I'm stuck in the middle I'll never get to say this is enough Now I'm left with nothing Now I'm left with nothing Now I'm left with nothing Now 手に入れたモノで壊して虚しくなって 手放してみたらみたでまた欲しくなって の繰り返しでハマって抜けられなくて気づくと 時すでに遅し 切られた切符に振り出しの文字 I tried to have it all And I'm stuck in the middle

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:10579


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