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12 o'clock

Artist:KAT-TUN  Album:KAT-TUN III -QUEEN OF PIRATES-  Release Year:2008 

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1 o’clock I woke up late. Still hung over from the night before. Wait. 2 o’clock I’m ready to leave. Final check in the mirror. I look like shit. 3 o’clock I’m on my way. Check my pocket. Fuck! Forgot my keys. 4, 5, 6, 7 o’clock Up in the gym. Mmmmm. Working on my guns. 8 o’clock I’m back home. Drinking down my protein. 9, 10 o’clock Getting ready. Looking good for the ladies. 11 o’clock Then I have some vodka to warm up for the night. 12 o’clock I’m heading out the door to get drinking and party again. Tick, Tick, Tack Watch da watch Say wa! Zero or 12 U know? Updateされたマシンで Freeway 駆け出そう Next stage 目指して 今しか出来ない Rendezvous <♪> 12 o'clock ゼロが並ぶ瞬間(とき) 迎えに行く Your place そびえる楽園見上げ スピーカー震わす Music 俺の世界狂わせた瞳 微笑む Face, yeah(Your face, Yeah yeah) 心ごと奪われた俺は(この俺は) 捧げる Life, yeah 感じたい ひとつになりたい

Posted By: fan9
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:201


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