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TOP > Lyrics > Birds (Feat. Arvin Homa Aya)
Birds (Feat. Arvin Homa Aya)

Artist:FreeTEMPO  Album:Sounds  Writer:半澤 武志 

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Feel the wind ever so warm Gentle as much as it's strong All you need is to let it take your hand To where it leads a question not to ask Feel your wings against it all As you fly so free and far All you need is everything you have Just believe in the wind and all it's paths Flying high the melody It's the song that heaven plays Every time you spread your wings It's the rhythm that is made All the sky is meant to be Everything that you have prayed to see It is everything It is everything you love When you rest your wings at dawn With the waking of the sun How you see the world I wanna know I wanna see what beauty it beholds Flying high the melody It's the song that heaven plays Every time you spread your wings It's the rhythm that is made All the sky is meant to be

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:35


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