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Men In This Here Town
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Love you, daddy, and I know you know, You got a good thing going, papa, don't let go 'cause there are 97 men in this here town Would give a half a grand in silver just to follow me down So appreciate a dedicated baby, 'cause boy, you are a lucky man I'll take you down by the river where the catfish play Bed around, baby, gonna kick all day No need to wander, no need to roam You got a full meal cooking, honey, here at home So appreciate a dedicated baby, 'cause boy, you are a lucky man Say I'm confused, say I'm perplexed One fellow told me I was oversexed Don't you believe it, 'cause it just ain't true You know it's just 'cause I got a little crush on you So before you turn your back on me To take a look at all the other fishes in the sea Remember a plenty good woman is hard to find And I'm the hootchi kootchie lovey doving kind So appreciate a dedicated baby, 'cause boy, you are a lucky man Don't call me honey when your mother's around Boy, you know you're gonna drive her wild Don't call me honey when your mother's around Boy, you never again may smile Listen to me, hear my song She's afraid I'm gonna lead her little boy wrong

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