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Money, Money, Money

Artist:ABBA  Album:Gold: Greatest Hits  Writer:ANDERSSON BENNY GORAN BROR  Composer:ULVAEUS BJOERN K  Release Year:1993 

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I work all night, I work all day to play the bills i have to pay ain't it sad And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me that's too bad. In my dreams I have a plan if I got me a wealthy man I wouldn't have to work at all I'd fool around and have a ball. Money,money,money must be fanny in the rich man's world Money,money,money always sunny in the rich man's world. Aha, aha all the things I could do if I had a little money it's a rich man's world. it's a rich man's world. A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him of my mind ain't it sad And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me that's too bad

Posted By: yaezakura
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:4017


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