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TOP > 歌詞 > Psalm 9: I will Give Thanks unto Thee, O Lord
Psalm 9: I will Give Thanks unto Thee, O Lord

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I WILL give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart : I will speak of all thy marvellous works. 2. I will be glad and rejoice in thee : yea, my songs will I make of thy Name, O thou most Highest. 3. While mine enemies are driven back : they shall fall and perish at thy presence. 4. For thou hast maintained my right and my cause : thou art set in the throne that judgest right. 5. Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and destroyed the ungodly : thou hast put out their name for ever and ever. 6. O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end : even as the cities which thou hast destroyed, their memorial is perished with them. 7. But the Lord shall endure for ever : he hath also prepared his seat for judgement. 8. For he shall judge the world in righteousness : and minister true judgement unto the people. 9. The Lord also will be a defence for the oppressed : even a refuge in due time of trouble. 10. And they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee : for thou, Lord, hast never failed them that seek thee. 11. O praise the Lord which dwelleth in Sion : shew the people of his doings.

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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