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Family Album

アーティスト:Noël Coward 

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Jasper: And now, my dears, a toast. Be prepared. To ourselves, a closely united family, and to the dear strangers who have joined us: I allude to you, Jane darling, and Edward, and my dear Charles. Charles: Does that mean we three may not drink? Jasper: Certainly not. Drink to yourselves, to each other and to the happiness of us all. Charles: Good Harriet: Oh, do be quiet Charles. Jasper: Where was I, where was I, where was I? Jane: To the happiness of us all, my love Jasper: Thank-you, Jane. Here's a toast to each of us And all of us together. Here's a toast to happiness and reasonable pride. May our touch on life be lighter Than a seabird's feather; May all sorrows as we pass Politely step aside. Jane: A commonplace sentiment, my dear Jasper, worthy neither of you, nor of the moment. Jasper: Moments fly so swiftly, my love. Emily: I thought what Jasper said was beautiful. Jasper: Hush, Emily. Jane's chiding merely means that she would have liked to have thought of it herself. Edward: Get on with the toast, Jasper. Jasper: Where was I, where was I, where was I? Jane: Gasping in the deeps of your own imagination, my love. Jasper: Thank-you. Now I drink to those of us who, happily united, Ornament our family and share our joy and pain. Charles, my friend, and Edward, too, connubially plighted Last, my dears, but always best, my own beloved Jane. Jane: Charmingly put, my dear Jasper, if a trifle pedantic. Jasper: I do my best, my love, but my best is obviously unworthy. Harriet: Oh, do stop sparring, you two. Emily: Sparring? What about their expression? Jasper: Where was I, where was I? Jane: In command, my love, as always. Jasper: Harriet married a soldier A man of pleasant birth A man of noble worth And finely tempered steel Ready to die for the Empire, The sun must never set Upon his both brave but yet Ambiguous ideal. So now, dear Charles, I am saluting you, That never setting-sun Shall call you blest, If far-off natives take to shooting you You will at least have done Your level best. All: Harriet married a soldier, May life be bright for him; May might be right for him For ever and for aye. Harriet married a soldier And in the matrimonial fray Harriet married a soldier Despite his glories in the field, He'll have to honour and obey And be defeated till judgement day! Harriet: Oh, but how unfair of you all, I'm as meek as a mouse. Charles rules me with a rod of iron. Jane: Dear Harriet, we salute your strategy that makes him believe it. Jasper: Now we come to Emily, whose progress has been steady; Only married two short years and three fat sons already. Emily: You make me blush, Jasper. We count the twins as one. Edward: Never-the-less, my love, they're normal babies, with a mouth each to feed. Jasper: Emily married a doctor, A sentimental man, A mild and gentle man Of scientific mind. Doing his best for the nation, Forever dutiful, A really beautiful Example to the rest of us, A challange to the zest of us,

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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