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TOP > 歌詞 > English Is Cuh-Ray-Zee (English Is Crazy)
English Is Cuh-Ray-Zee (English Is Crazy)

アーティスト:Pete Seeger 

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English is the most widely spoken language in the history of the planet. One out of every seven human beings can speak or read it. Half the world's books, 3/4 of the international mail are in English. It has the largest vocabulary, perhaps two million words, And a noble body of literature. But face it: English is cuh-ray-zee! Just a few examples: There's no egg in eggplant, no pine or apple in pineapple. Quicksand works slowly; boxing rings are square. A writer writes, but do fingers fing? Hammers don't ham, grocers don't groce. Haberdashers don't haberdash. English is cuh-ray-zee! If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth? It's one goose, two geese. Why not one moose, two meese? If it's one index, two indices; why not one Kleenex,two Kleenices? English is cuh-ray-zee! You can comb through the annals of history, but not just one annal. You can make amends, but not just one amend. If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one, is it an odd or an end? If the teacher taught, why isn't it true that a preacher praught? If you wrote a letter, did you also bote your tongue? And if a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? English is cuh-ray-zee! Why is it that night falls but

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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