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Dear Mr. President

アーティスト:Pete Seeger 

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Dear Mr. President, I set me down, To send you greetings from my home town, And send you best wishes from all the friends I know In Texas, Alabama, Ohio, And affiliated places. Brooklyn, Mississippi. I'm an ordinary guy, worked most of my life, Sometime I'll settle down with my kids and wife, And I like to see a movie or take a little drink. I like being free to say what I think, Sort of runs in the family... My grandpa crossed the ocean for the same reason. Now I hate Hitler and I can tell you why, He's caused lots of good folks to suffer and die. He's got a way of shoving folks around, I figure it's about time we slapped him down, Give him a dose of his own medicine... Lead poisoning. Now Mr. President, we haven't always agreed in the past, I know, But that ain't at all important, now, What is important is what we got to do, We got to lick Mr. Hitler, and until we do, Other things can wait, In other words, first we got a skunk to skin. War means overtime and higher prices, But we're all willing to make sacrifices, Hell, I'd even stop fighting with my mother-in-law, 'Cause we need her too, to win the war... Old battle axe. Now as I think of our great land, Of the cities and towns and farming land, There's so many good people working every day, I know it ain't perfect but it will be some day, Just give us a little time. This is the reason that I want

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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