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TOP > Lyrics > St. Michael's Nightmare
St. Michael's Nightmare

Artist:Diabulus In Musica  Album:Secrets 

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Defende nos in proelio Contra nequitiam Et insidias diaboli Esto praesidium Imperet illi deus Supplices deprecamur Tuque, princeps militiae Militiae coelestis In the beginning of time There was a great war The prince of light against Belial He kept the way of the tree of life The gate of paradies Provoking the rage of the most lovely angel of night (I'll ascend to heaven: I will raise my throne Above the stars of God I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the most high) (You were cast out of heaven Where you'll never come back to You were cut down to the ground Light bringer, you were brought low "Lucifer qui mane oriebaris") You cannot win this battle now Jealous angel, surrender Stop shedding blood You have no hope Jealous angel, surrender No mercy

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:1


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